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Вариант приглашения на гостевую визу

“Как составить приглашение для получения гостевой визы” – это один из самых часто задаваемых вопросов. Ниже мы приводим один из вариантов того, как может выглядеть такое приглашение. Это не образец письма, но один из множества вариантов. В каждом конкретном случае приглашение должно быть составлено отдельно и учитывать обстоятельства дела.

Sergey Romanov
555 Park Ave., Toronto, ON, Canada, M5M 5M5

Immigration and Visa Section
Canadian Embassy
23 Starokonyushenny Pereulok
Moscow 119002 Russia

April 24, 2011

Re: Application for a temporary resident visa by Vladimir Safronov

Dear Sir/Madam:

A am a Canadian citizen living in Toronto, and I would like to invite my close friend Vladimir Safronov from Russia to visit me and my family in Canada. Vladimir is my old friend since 1991 – we graduated from the same university, worked together for 5 years and lived just blocks away from each other in Samara, Russia.

Last time we saw each other more than 2 years ago, when I visited my relatives and friends in Russia. Unfortunately, my job commitments did not allow me to leave Canada since then. I decided to invite Vladimir to visit me and my family in Canada this summer, because Vladimir runs a ski resort and he can freely travel only during summer months. Proposed dates of his visit are June 25, 2011 to July 15, 2011. My family lives in a spacious house, and we would be happy to accommodate Vladimir with us for the whole period of his stay.

Vladimir will pay himself for all the expenses incurred with the trip and will include evidence of his financial standing with his visa application. He will leave behind his wife and two kids, who completely depend on him. He has an extensive record of business and pleasure trips to countries like Egypt, Malaysia, Austria and UK, all without violations of visa requirements.

I would appreciate if Vladimir’s application receives your favorable consideration and the temporary visa is issued to him.

Please contact me at any time should you require any additional information.



Sergey Romanov

Приведённый выше текст является частным случаем, примером, но не образцом для копирования. Правильный подход при составлении приглашения – исключительно индивидуальный, при котором в письме будут учтены обстоятельства конкретной ситуации.

Мы можем составить такое приглашение на основании представленных вами сведений.

Мы обеспечиваем юридическую поддержку по всем вопросам,
связанным с иммиграцией и визами в Канаду